Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and the algorithms that are shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Its all about the data
I'm at Google this summer (Google summer internship round #2) because its where the data is. If you want to recognize objects from images you need to learn what objects look like. If you want to learn what an object looks like you need to have many examples of that object. You then feed those instances into an algorithm to figure out its essence -- what it is about that object's appearance that makes it that object. Google has the data and Google has the infrastructure to process that data, so I'm there for the summer.
Friday, June 19, 2009
A Shift of Focus: Relying on Prototypes versus Support Vectors
The goal of today's blog post is to outline an important difference between traditional categorization models in Psychology such as Prototype Models, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) based models.

When solving a SVM optimization problem in the dual (given a kernel function), the answer is represented as a set of weights associated with each of the data-centered kernels. In the Figure above, a SVM is used to learn a decision boundary between the blue class (desks) and the red class (chairs). The sparsity of such solutions means that only a small set of examples are used to define the class decision boundary. All points on the wrong side of the decision boundary and barely yet correctly classified points (within the margin) have non-zero weights. Many Machine Learning researchers get excited about the sparsity of such solutions because in theory, we only need to remember a small number of kernels for test time. However, the decision boundary is defined with respect to the problematic examples (misclassified and barely classified ones) and not the most typical examples. The most typical (and easy to recognize) examples are not even necessary to define the SVM decision boundary. Two data sets that have the same problematic examples, but significant differences in the "well-classified" examples might result in the same exact SVM decision boundary.
My problem with such boundary-based approaches is that by focusing only on the boundary between classes useful information is lost. Consider what happens when two points are correctly classified (and fall well beyond the margin on their correct side): the distance-to-decision-boundary is not a good measure of class membership. By failing to capture the "density" of data, the sparsity of such models can actually be a bad thing. As with discriminative methods, reasoning about the support vectors is useful for close-call classification decisions, but we lose fine-scale membership details (aka "density information") far from the decision surface.

In a single-prototype model (pictured above), a single prototype is used per class and distances-to-prototypes implicitly define the decision surface. The focus is on exactly the 'most confident' examples, which are the prototypes. Prototypes are created during training -- if we fit a Gaussian distribution to each class, the mean becomes the prototype. Notice that by focusing on Prototypes, we gain density information near the prototype at the cost of losing fine-details near the decision boundary. Single-Prototype models generally perform worse on forced-choice classification tasks when compared to their SVM-based discriminative counterparts; however, there are important regimes where too much emphasis on the decision boundary is a bad thing.
In other words, Prototype Methods are best and what they were designed to do in categorization, namely capture Typicality Effects (see Rosch). It would be interesting to come up with more applications where handing Typicality Effects and grading membership becomes more important than making close-call classification decision. I suspect that in many real-world information retrieval applications (where high precision is required and low recall tolerated) going beyond boundary-based techniques is the right thing to do.

When solving a SVM optimization problem in the dual (given a kernel function), the answer is represented as a set of weights associated with each of the data-centered kernels. In the Figure above, a SVM is used to learn a decision boundary between the blue class (desks) and the red class (chairs). The sparsity of such solutions means that only a small set of examples are used to define the class decision boundary. All points on the wrong side of the decision boundary and barely yet correctly classified points (within the margin) have non-zero weights. Many Machine Learning researchers get excited about the sparsity of such solutions because in theory, we only need to remember a small number of kernels for test time. However, the decision boundary is defined with respect to the problematic examples (misclassified and barely classified ones) and not the most typical examples. The most typical (and easy to recognize) examples are not even necessary to define the SVM decision boundary. Two data sets that have the same problematic examples, but significant differences in the "well-classified" examples might result in the same exact SVM decision boundary.
My problem with such boundary-based approaches is that by focusing only on the boundary between classes useful information is lost. Consider what happens when two points are correctly classified (and fall well beyond the margin on their correct side): the distance-to-decision-boundary is not a good measure of class membership. By failing to capture the "density" of data, the sparsity of such models can actually be a bad thing. As with discriminative methods, reasoning about the support vectors is useful for close-call classification decisions, but we lose fine-scale membership details (aka "density information") far from the decision surface.

In a single-prototype model (pictured above), a single prototype is used per class and distances-to-prototypes implicitly define the decision surface. The focus is on exactly the 'most confident' examples, which are the prototypes. Prototypes are created during training -- if we fit a Gaussian distribution to each class, the mean becomes the prototype. Notice that by focusing on Prototypes, we gain density information near the prototype at the cost of losing fine-details near the decision boundary. Single-Prototype models generally perform worse on forced-choice classification tasks when compared to their SVM-based discriminative counterparts; however, there are important regimes where too much emphasis on the decision boundary is a bad thing.
In other words, Prototype Methods are best and what they were designed to do in categorization, namely capture Typicality Effects (see Rosch). It would be interesting to come up with more applications where handing Typicality Effects and grading membership becomes more important than making close-call classification decision. I suspect that in many real-world information retrieval applications (where high precision is required and low recall tolerated) going beyond boundary-based techniques is the right thing to do.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
On Edelman's "On what it means to see"
I previously mentioned Shimon Edelman in my blog and why his ideas are important for the advancement of computer vision. Today I want to post a review of a powerful and potentially influential 2009 piece written by Edelman.
Below is a review of the June 16th, 2009 version of this paper:
Shimon Edelman, On what it means to see, and what we can do about it, in Object Categorization: Computer and Human Vision Perspectives, S. Dickinson, A. Leonardis, B. Schiele, and M. J. Tarr, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2009, in press). Penultimate draft.
I will refer to the article as OWMS (On What it Means to See).
The goal of Edelman's article is to demonstrate the limitations of conceptual vision (referred to as "seeing as"), criticize the modern computer vision paradigm as being overly conceptual, and show how providing a richer representation of a scene is required for advancing computer vision.
Edelman proposes non-conceptual vision, where categorization isn't forced on an input -- "because the input may best be left altogether uninterpreted in the traditional sense." (OWMS) I have to agree with the author, where abstracting away the image into a conceptual map is not only an impoverished view of the world, but it is not clear whether such a limited representation is useful for other tasks relying on vision (something like the bottom of Figure 1.2 in OWMS or the Figure seen below and taken from my Recognition by Association talk).

Drawing on insights from the influential Philosopher Wittgenstein, Edelman discusses the difference between "seeing" versus "seeing as." "Seeing as" is the easy-to-formalize map-pixels-to-objects attitude which modern computer vision students are spoon fed from the first day of graduate school -- and precisely the attitude which Edelman attacks in this wonderful article. To explain "seeing" Edelman uses some nice prose from Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations; however, instead of repeating the passages Edelman selected, I will complement the discussion with a relevant passage by William James:
The germinal question concerning things brought for the first time before consciousness is not the theoretic "What is that?" but the practical "Who goes there?" or rather, as Horwicz has admirably put it, "What is to be done?" ... In all our discussions about the intelligence of lower animals the only test we use is that of their acting as if for a purpose. (William James in Principles of Psychology, page 941)
"Seeing as" is a non-invertible process that abstracts away visual information to produce a lower dimensional conceptual map (see Figure above), whereas "seeing" provides a richer representation of the input scene. Its not exactly clear what is the best way to operationalize this "seeing" notion in a computer vision system, but the escapability-from-formalization might be one of the subtle points Edelman is trying to make about non-conceptual vision. Quoting Edelman, when "seeing" we are "letting the seething mass of categorization processes that in any purposive visual system vie for the privilege of interpreting the input be the representation of the scene, without allowing any one of them to gain the upper hand." (OWMS) Edelman goes on to criticize "seeing as" because vision systems have to be open-ended in the sense that we cannot specify ahead of time all the tasks that vision will be applied to. According to Edelman, conceptual vision cannot capture the ineffability (or richness) of the human visual experience. Linguistic concepts capture a mere subset of visual experience, and casting the goal of vision as providing a linguistic (or conceptual) interpretation is limited. The sparsity of conceptual understanding is one key limitation of the modern computer vision paradigm. Edelman also criticizes the notion of a "ground-truth" segmentation in computer vision, arguing that a fragmentation of the scene into useful chunks is in the eye of the beholder.
To summarize, Edelman points out that "The missing component is the capacity for having rich visual experiences... The visual world is always more complex than can be expressed in terms of a fixed set of concepts, most of which, moreover, only ever exist in the imagination of the beholder." (OWMS) Being a pragmatist, many of these words resonate deeply within my soul, and I'm particularly attracted to elements of Edelman's antirealism.
I have to give two thumbs up to this article for pointing out the flaws in the current way computer vision scientists go about tackling vision problems (in other words researchers too often blindly work inside the current computer vision paradigm and do not often enough question fundamental assumptions which can help new paradigms arise). Many similar concerns regarding Computer Vision I have already pointed out on this blog, and it is reassuring to find others point to similar paradigmatic weaknesses. Such insights need to somehow leave the Philosophy/Psychology literature and make a long lasting impact in the CVPR/NIPS/ICCV/ECCV/ICML communities. The problem is that too many researchers/hackers actually building vision systems and teaching Computer Vision courses have no clue who Wittgenstein is and that they can gain invaluabe insights from Philosophy and Psychology alike. Computer Vision is simply not lacking computational methods, it is gaining critical insights that cannot be found inside an Emacs buffer. In order to advance the field, one needs to: read, write, philosophize, as well as mathematize, exercise, diversify, be a hacker, be a speaker, be one with the terminal, be one with prose, be a teacher, always a student, a master of all trades; or simply put, be a Computer Vision Jedi.
Below is a review of the June 16th, 2009 version of this paper:
Shimon Edelman, On what it means to see, and what we can do about it, in Object Categorization: Computer and Human Vision Perspectives, S. Dickinson, A. Leonardis, B. Schiele, and M. J. Tarr, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2009, in press). Penultimate draft.
I will refer to the article as OWMS (On What it Means to See).
The goal of Edelman's article is to demonstrate the limitations of conceptual vision (referred to as "seeing as"), criticize the modern computer vision paradigm as being overly conceptual, and show how providing a richer representation of a scene is required for advancing computer vision.
Edelman proposes non-conceptual vision, where categorization isn't forced on an input -- "because the input may best be left altogether uninterpreted in the traditional sense." (OWMS) I have to agree with the author, where abstracting away the image into a conceptual map is not only an impoverished view of the world, but it is not clear whether such a limited representation is useful for other tasks relying on vision (something like the bottom of Figure 1.2 in OWMS or the Figure seen below and taken from my Recognition by Association talk).
Building a Conceptual Map = Abstracting Away

Drawing on insights from the influential Philosopher Wittgenstein, Edelman discusses the difference between "seeing" versus "seeing as." "Seeing as" is the easy-to-formalize map-pixels-to-objects attitude which modern computer vision students are spoon fed from the first day of graduate school -- and precisely the attitude which Edelman attacks in this wonderful article. To explain "seeing" Edelman uses some nice prose from Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations; however, instead of repeating the passages Edelman selected, I will complement the discussion with a relevant passage by William James:
The germinal question concerning things brought for the first time before consciousness is not the theoretic "What is that?" but the practical "Who goes there?" or rather, as Horwicz has admirably put it, "What is to be done?" ... In all our discussions about the intelligence of lower animals the only test we use is that of their acting as if for a purpose. (William James in Principles of Psychology, page 941)
"Seeing as" is a non-invertible process that abstracts away visual information to produce a lower dimensional conceptual map (see Figure above), whereas "seeing" provides a richer representation of the input scene. Its not exactly clear what is the best way to operationalize this "seeing" notion in a computer vision system, but the escapability-from-formalization might be one of the subtle points Edelman is trying to make about non-conceptual vision. Quoting Edelman, when "seeing" we are "letting the seething mass of categorization processes that in any purposive visual system vie for the privilege of interpreting the input be the representation of the scene, without allowing any one of them to gain the upper hand." (OWMS) Edelman goes on to criticize "seeing as" because vision systems have to be open-ended in the sense that we cannot specify ahead of time all the tasks that vision will be applied to. According to Edelman, conceptual vision cannot capture the ineffability (or richness) of the human visual experience. Linguistic concepts capture a mere subset of visual experience, and casting the goal of vision as providing a linguistic (or conceptual) interpretation is limited. The sparsity of conceptual understanding is one key limitation of the modern computer vision paradigm. Edelman also criticizes the notion of a "ground-truth" segmentation in computer vision, arguing that a fragmentation of the scene into useful chunks is in the eye of the beholder.
To summarize, Edelman points out that "The missing component is the capacity for having rich visual experiences... The visual world is always more complex than can be expressed in terms of a fixed set of concepts, most of which, moreover, only ever exist in the imagination of the beholder." (OWMS) Being a pragmatist, many of these words resonate deeply within my soul, and I'm particularly attracted to elements of Edelman's antirealism.
I have to give two thumbs up to this article for pointing out the flaws in the current way computer vision scientists go about tackling vision problems (in other words researchers too often blindly work inside the current computer vision paradigm and do not often enough question fundamental assumptions which can help new paradigms arise). Many similar concerns regarding Computer Vision I have already pointed out on this blog, and it is reassuring to find others point to similar paradigmatic weaknesses. Such insights need to somehow leave the Philosophy/Psychology literature and make a long lasting impact in the CVPR/NIPS/ICCV/ECCV/ICML communities. The problem is that too many researchers/hackers actually building vision systems and teaching Computer Vision courses have no clue who Wittgenstein is and that they can gain invaluabe insights from Philosophy and Psychology alike. Computer Vision is simply not lacking computational methods, it is gaining critical insights that cannot be found inside an Emacs buffer. In order to advance the field, one needs to: read, write, philosophize, as well as mathematize, exercise, diversify, be a hacker, be a speaker, be one with the terminal, be one with prose, be a teacher, always a student, a master of all trades; or simply put, be a Computer Vision Jedi.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Exemplars, Prototypes, and towards a Theory of Concepts for AI
While initial musings (and some early theories) on Categorization come from Philosophy (think Categories by Aristotle), most modern research on Categorization which adheres to the scientific method comes from Psychology (Concept Learning on Wikipedia). Two popular models which originate from Psychology literature are Prototype Theory and Exemplar Theory. Summarizing briefly, categories in Prototype Theory are abstractions which summarize a category while categories in Exemplar Theory are represented nonparametrically. While I'm personally a big proponent of Exemplar Theory (see my Recognition by Association CVPR2008 paper), I'm not going to discuss the details of my philosophical stance in this post. I want to briefly point out the shortcomings of these two simplified views of concepts.
Researchers focusing on Categorization are generally dealing with a very simplified (and overly academic) view of the world -- where the task is to categorize a single input stimulus. The problem is that if we want a Theory of Concepts that will be the backbone of intelligent agents, we have to deal with relationships between concepts with as much fervor as the representations of concepts themselves. While the debate concerning exemplars vs. prototypes has been restricted to these single stimulus categorization experiments, it is not clear to me why we should prematurely adhere to one of these polarized views before we consider how we can make sense of inter-category relationships. In other words, if an exemplar-based view of concepts looks good (so-far) yet it is not as useful for modeling relationships as a prototype-view, then we have to change our views. Following James' pragmatic method, we should evaluate category representations with respect to a larger system embodied in an intelligent agent (and its ability to cope with the world) and not the overly academic single-stimulus experiments dominating experimental psychology.
On another note, I submitted my most recent research to NIPS last week (supersecret for now), and went to a few Phish concerts. I'm driving to California next week and I start at Google at the end of June. I also started reading a book on James and Wittgenstein.
Researchers focusing on Categorization are generally dealing with a very simplified (and overly academic) view of the world -- where the task is to categorize a single input stimulus. The problem is that if we want a Theory of Concepts that will be the backbone of intelligent agents, we have to deal with relationships between concepts with as much fervor as the representations of concepts themselves. While the debate concerning exemplars vs. prototypes has been restricted to these single stimulus categorization experiments, it is not clear to me why we should prematurely adhere to one of these polarized views before we consider how we can make sense of inter-category relationships. In other words, if an exemplar-based view of concepts looks good (so-far) yet it is not as useful for modeling relationships as a prototype-view, then we have to change our views. Following James' pragmatic method, we should evaluate category representations with respect to a larger system embodied in an intelligent agent (and its ability to cope with the world) and not the overly academic single-stimulus experiments dominating experimental psychology.
On another note, I submitted my most recent research to NIPS last week (supersecret for now), and went to a few Phish concerts. I'm driving to California next week and I start at Google at the end of June. I also started reading a book on James and Wittgenstein.
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