Wednesday, June 22, 2011

cvpr 2011: highlights from day 1

Today was the first main day of the CVPR 2011 conference.  Here are some papers which I found particularly exciting and a brief reason why they are super cool:

Becuase you can’t afford to miss this one:

Because large scale structure from motion meets graphical models:

Because segmentation provides a good basis for object discovery:

Because imitation provides a category-free way of understanding pose:
Graham Taylor, Ian Spiro, Christoph Bregler, and Rob FergusLearning Invarance through Imitation. In CVPR 2011. Project page (with links to supplementary material)

Because you don’t need to solve intractable graphical model inferences:

Because a little bit of bottom-up never hurt a lot of top-down:

Because you might want to perform segmentation simultaneously on several related images:

I missed some of the posters later in the evening because I went for a short hike organized by Jianbo Shi (to Seven Falls).  After all, CVPR is in Colorado Springs, and it is silly to stay inside the conference the entire time.   Below is a pic of the falls (only a short drive from the CVPR11 conference hotel). 
After several hours of talks it was good to get some fresh air and see some waterfalls in Colorado Springs!  On Friday, I'm going on the Pikes Beak downhill bike ride with some friends and it should be super-fun.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Abhinav always seems to have interesting papers. His 'Block World' paper at ECCV10 was a very good read.

  2. I'm glad you found his Affordances paper interesting. He has been pushing on this direction for quite a while, and in fact, there were two other relevant papers published by Luc Van Gool's group at this year's CVPR.

  3. Its fun in Seven Falls, hope to get back there again..
